Category: News

WAVE ottiene le certificazioni ISO 45001, 14001 e 9001: un traguardo importante per la qualità, la sicurezza e la sostenibilità

Wave, parte del nostro gruppo, ha ottenuto tre prestigiose certificazioni internazionali: ISO 45001, ISO 14001 e ISO 9001:2015, rilasciate dall’European Certification Institute. Queste certificazioni, valide per un periodo di tre anni, rappresentano un importante riconoscimento dell’impegno continuo di WAVE verso la qualità, la sicurezza sul lavoro e la sostenibilità ambientale. Le certificazioni ISO sono standard internazionali riconosciuti che attestano l’adesione di un’organizzazione a requisiti specifici relativi a diversi ambiti della

Another success for Greenvest Esco srl

Greenvest Esco concludes the relamping project of the Carrefour shopping centre in Pavia, which involved the replacement of 782 traditional luminaires with 782 LED technology luminaires. Relamping was carried out both in the indoor areas with the replacement of 463 luminaires and in the outdoor areas with the replacement of 274 luminaires. The intervention generated 69% energy savings for the shopping centre and 137631.34 kg of CO2 avoided. The savings

Waveelectric srl newco of the Greenvest group is founded

Created to meet the ever-increasing demand for professionalism in the electrical installation sector. Waveelectric was created from the union between Greenvest Esco Srl and Elettrodomus Srl, a company at the forefront of technology in electrical installations focused on efficiency and innovation. Capable of designing, supplying and installing Home Automation, Buldingmanagement, smart video surveillance, data networks and management software, Waveelectric provides Greenvest's customers with specialised and qualified labour to the highest

Le Due Valli shopping centre – January 2019

As a result of the energy efficiency operation carried out by Greenvest Esco, the "Le Due Valli" Shopping Centre, located in Pinerolo in northern Italy, achieved up to 37% energy savings. The project involved the replacement of 1,965 obsolete luminaires with the new G.V.LED lamps, achieving huge economic benefits in terms of energy bills, reduced maintenance costs, increased and uniform light and a visual impact of innovation and new technology.

La Cittadella shopping centre December 2018

The "La Cittadella" Shopping Centre, located in Casale Monferrato in northern Italy, entrusts Greenvest Esco with the replacement of 1,473 obsolete lighting fixtures with new G.V.LED lamps. The refurbished shopping centre will reduce its environmental impact by 27 TOE (Tonnes of Oil Equivalent) each year, reduce maintenance costs to zero, and save 38% energy. Download PDF

Le isole of Gravellona Toce March 2018

"LE ISOLE" a major shopping centre located in Gravellona Toce in Northern Italy will reduce lighting consumption by 60% thanks to the relamping project by Greenvest Esco coordinated by Savills/LarrySmithItalia. The intervention led to the replacement of 2,600 luminaires, generating a guaranteed saving of 410,000 Kwh.

FIGC – November 2017

The FIGC Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio has chosen GREENVEST ESCO for the energy efficiency of its headquarters in Rome. In fact, thanks to the replacement of 1,552 obsolete luminaires located in the 3 federal operational sites, FIGC achieved an energy saving of 63%.

Forum Shopping Centre, Palermo

May 2017: GREENVEST ESCO was awarded the tender called by Multi Corporation for the relamping of the "Il Forum" shopping centre in Palermo. Twelfth largest centre in Italy in terms of the number of visitors per year, the centre will reduce its lighting consumption by 68%, thanks to the replacement of 418 street lamps for outdoor parking areas and 230 indoor lamps, for a total of 638 lamps, and will