Greenvest accredited to GSE (Gestore dei Servizi Energetici) since 2013

Greenvest operates as an Energy Service Company (ESCo) by designing and implementing solutions to improve the energy efficiency of commercial and residential buildings. The interventions can be financed entirely by Greenvest, without any initial outlay for the customer.

By means of Energy Performance Contracts (EPCs) Greenvest guarantees the energy performance of new plants, generating financial savings for the customer.

With this peculiar contractual formula, it will be the savings guaranteed by Greenvest that will finance the entire project.

The integrated ESCo service provides for the generation of financial savings, which are shared with the customer from the start of the EPC contract. Part of the savings will therefore benefit Greenvest to cover the investment made.

Greenvest employs specialised personnel to:

carry out energy diagnoses with the aim of ascertaining the possibility of generating savings;
define the feasibility study and design the intervention proposals;
find and define a cover for the required financial resources;
implement the proposed interventions;
manage the operation of installations, in the post-intervention period;
monitor and report on the consumption of new plants;
carry out the maintenance works and services attached to the intervention;
obtain, with specific know-how, the best available "package" of incentives and/or tax breaks.

Old plant VS New plant


KWh per year

Energy Saving


Euro per year

Economic Savings


tonnes of oil

Annual TOE savings