Month: July 2022

Itaca Shopping Centre, Rome

April 2017: GREENVEST ESCO was awarded the tender called by Larry Smith for the relamping of the "Itaca" shopping centre in Formia. The centre will reduce lighting consumption by 60% by replacing 1,513 lamps and reduce maintenance costs to zero. Larry Smith renews confidence in GREENVEST ESCO.

Valecenter shopping centre, Carpi

In August 2016, it was awarded the tender called by Multi Corporation for the relamping of the well-known shopping centre "Il Valecenter" in Mestre, Venice. The centre will reduce lighting consumption by 55% by replacing 2,562 lamps and reduce maintenance costs to zero. GREENVEST ESCO continues its virtuous path by making Italian shopping centres more efficient.

Belvedere Shopping Centre, Syracuse

April 2016: GREENVEST ESCO was awarded the tender organised by Multi Corporation for the relamping of the "Il Belvedere" shopping centre in Syracuse. The centre will reduce its lighting consumption by 62% through the replacement of 174 outdoor and 1,314 indoor lamps, for a total of 1,488 lamps. GREENVEST ESCO affirms its presence in southern Italy.

Le Colonne Shopping Centre, Brindisi

It was awarded the tender by Multi Corporation for the "LED relamping" of the shopping centre. The centre will reduce lighting consumption by 66% and reduce maintenance costs to zero. 51 TOE (Tonnes of Oil Equivalent) will be saved each year. GREENVEST ESCO continues to establish itself as a leading company for energy efficiency in Italy's shopping centres.

Il Borgo Gioioso, Carpi

In January 2016, it was awarded the tender called by Multi Corporation for the relamping of the "Il Borgo Gioioso" shopping centre in Carpi. The centre will reduce lighting consumption by 60% by replacing 1,659 lamps and reduce maintenance costs to zero. GREENVEST ESCO thus strengthens its position in Emilia Romagna.

Greenvest 360

January 2016: the package of services offered by GREENVEST ESCO is completed by offering energy audits and 360° solutions. The new division is able to offer its customers innovative cost-saving solutions through energy-efficient air conditioning, heating and air treatment.

UNI CEI 11352

GREENVEST ESCO SRL ACHIEVES UNI CEI 11352:2014 CERTIFICATION. UNI CEI 11352:2014 defines the requirements for Energy Service Companies (ESCo). An ESCo certified with this standard is able to offer result-guaranteed contracts to its customers. The ESCo is remunerated according to the savings achieved (Third Party Financing). These contracts are becoming increasingly popular in both the industrial and civil sectors because they allow companies to concentrate on their "core" activities, relying